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是, 请填妥委托帐户益书的英文

"是, 请填妥委托帐户益书"怎么读


  • yes, please complete the "appointment of authorized person
  • "是"英文翻译    Semantics
  • "请"英文翻译    request; ask
  • "填"英文翻译    fill; stuff
  • "妥"英文翻译    appropriate; proper; suitabl ...
  • "委托"英文翻译    entrust; trust; bail; author ...
  • "帐户"英文翻译    account
  • "益"英文翻译    benefit; profit; advantage
  • "书"英文翻译    write
  • "委托帐户" 英文翻译 :    account in trust; discretionary account
  • "信托帐户" 英文翻译 :    account in trust; trust account
  • "财政信托帐户" 英文翻译 :    fiscal trust account
  • "独立信托帐户" 英文翻译 :    segregated trust account
  • "农业信托帐户" 英文翻译 :    farm trust account
  • "现金信托帐户" 英文翻译 :    cash in trust account
  • "应缴税款信托帐户" 英文翻译 :    tax accrual trust account; tax-accrual trust account
  • "特种委托帐(投机买卖帐)" 英文翻译 :    adventure account
  • "全国银行的信托帐户总额" 英文翻译 :    trust accounts of all banks
  • "委托保管帐户" 英文翻译 :    custody account
  • "人户益" 英文翻译 :    manmachine efficiencyy
  • "是" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(对; 正确) correct; right 实事求是 seek truth from facts; 似是而非 apparently right but actually wrong; 自以为是 consider oneself (always) in the right; 你说得是。what you said is right.2.[书面语] (真实的) true 是耶? 非耶? is it true or (is it) not?Ⅱ代词1.[书面语] (这; 这个) this 是时 that time; 如是 like this; 由是可知 know from this; 是日天气晴朗。 it was fine that day.2.(用在名词前, 含有“凡是”的意思) all; any 是中国人都爱中国。 every chinese loves china. 是人总要犯错误。 every man is liable to error.; no human being can be free from mistakes. 是重活, 他都抢着干。 when there's a tough job, he always rushes to do it.Ⅲ感叹词(表示应答) yes; right 是, 我就来。 yes, i'm coming right now. 是, 我们一定完成任务。 right, we will fulfil the task.Ⅳ动词1.[书面语] (认为正确) praise; justify 是古非今 praise the past to condemn the present; 是其所为 justify his action2.(表示两种事物同一, 或后者说明前者) 他是大连大学的语言教授。 he is a language professor in dalian university. 英语、荷兰语、德语是同语族的语言。 english, dutch and german are cognate languages.3.(联系两种事物, 表示陈述的对象属于“是”后面所说的情况) 院子里是冬天, 屋子里是春天。 it was winter outdoors, but spring indoors.4.(与“的” 字相应, 有分类的作用) 那所房子是石头造的。 that house is built of stone. 我是来看她的。 i came to see her. 这艘轮船是中国制造的。 this ship was made in china.5.(表示存在) 满身是汗 sweating all over; 宿舍前是绿茵茵的草坪。 there is a verdant lawn in front of the dormitory.6.(表示让步, 含有“虽然”的意思) 诗是好诗, 就是长了点。 it is a good poem all right, but it's a bit too long. 我去是去, 可是得晚一点儿。 i'm certainly going, but i'll be a little bit late. 这东西旧是旧, 可还能用。 yes, it's old, but it can still be used.7.(“是”前后用相同的名词或动词, 连用两个这样的格式, 表示所说的几桩事物互不相干, 互不混淆) 敌是敌, 友是友, 必须分清界限。 a friend is a friend , a foe is a foe; one must be clearly distinguished from the other.8.(用在名词前, 含有“适合”的意思) : 工具放的不是地方。 the tools are not put in the right place. 这场雨下的是时候。 this rain has come at just the right time.9.(用于问句) 你妹妹是医生还是护士? is your sister a doctor or a nurse? 你是累了不是? you're tired, aren't you?10.(用在句首, 加重语气) 是谁告诉你的? who told you? 是他第一个明白过来。 it was he who first came to reason.Ⅴ副词(重读, 表示坚决肯定, 含有“的确、实在”的意思) 今天天气是冷。 it's really cold today. 他是不知道。 he certainly doesn't know.Ⅵ名词1.[书面语] (大计; 事务) (important) affairs 各族人民的代表聚集一堂, 共商国是。 representatives of different nationalities gather in the same hall to discuss affairs of state.2.(姓氏) a surname 是仪 shi yi
  • "委托" 英文翻译 :    entrust; trust; bail; authorize 把此事委托给她办理 trust this matter to her; trust her with this matter; 委托商业部门代销。 commodities can be sold by the commercial departments on a commission basis. 这事就委托你了。 i leave this matter in your hands. 我委托他把 100 英镑存入银行。 i entrusted him with a hundred pounds to take to the bank.; 委托保险 trust insurance; 委托保证金 consignment guarantee money; 委托代表 [书面语] proxy; 委托代理 agency by agreement; entrustment of an agent; 委托店 frippery; commission shop [house; agent; second-hand shop; 委托行 commission shop; commission house; 委托机构 associated agency; 委托加工 placing of state orders with private enterprise for the processing of materials or the manufacture of goods; processing deal; 委托交易行 commission house; 委托金 trustmoney; 委托经销代销 marketing of products of state-owned enterprises by private shops; 委托人 consignor; principal; bailer; party giving the mandate; 委托商店 commission shop; commission house; 委托生产 sub-contract production; 委托书 mandate; certificate of entrustment; letter [power] of attorney; letter of authorization; 委托投票书 proxy statement; 委托销售 sale on commission; sale on consignment; 委托业务 commission business
  • "委托代买品帐目, 代办帐户, 订购品帐目" 英文翻译 :    indent account
  • "年金信托帐" 英文翻译 :    annuity trust account
  • "私人信托帐" 英文翻译 :    private trust fund
  • "是”字句 “是”" 英文翻译 :    sentence type
是, 请填妥委托帐户益书的英文翻译,是, 请填妥委托帐户益书英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译是, 请填妥委托帐户益书,是, 请填妥委托帐户益书的英文意思,是, 請填妥委托帳戶益書的英文是, 请填妥委托帐户益书 meaning in English是, 請填妥委托帳戶益書的英文是, 请填妥委托帐户益书怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。